When life suddenly turns against us, we each make the same silent promises to the Heavens above "Dear God if you will just look down on me and help me through this mess, I promise I'll live the life I know I should." It doesn't take too long to understand our promises carry weight. Though intangible, the task of carrying them around can be exhausting at times. They can wear us down...bring us to our knees. Ask a little boy or girl if anyone has ever broken a promise to them and watch the emotions fill their face as they relate their experience with broken trust.
It's Christmas time. A moment to celebrate love. A time to show God how thankful we are he kept his promise to Mary and Joseph. His promise to bring the world the King of all kings, a Savior born in a manger. In Acts 1:10-11 we are made another promise, "They were looking intently up in to the skys as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. "Men of Galilee why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who as been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."
If you haven't promised your life to God, what are you waiting for? This Christmas in between all the gifts, decorations, and parties, take a moment to show those you care most about how much your faith means to you. Commit yourself to Christ, to spreading his word, sharing his love, and embracing all that comes with being called a Christian. I promise you will never regret a life lived in the name of Jesus.
Bill iii
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