Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I have something to say

I'm not entirely sure what I want to rant about today, but there is this overwhelming urge to get something off my chest whatever it may be. I think I'll land on Mandy's almost cave woman idea that the man should provide the food. I know she fully believes this because she expresses it to me (I'm walking a marital tight rope here) whenever the subject of who is going to go get fast food comes up, which is about 2-3 times a week. I completely understand this belief and today I'm thinking I've unfairly given her a hard time about it. Call it laziness, call it stubbornness, maybe I'm being cheap, but I think it's most likely related to my need to get from point A to point B in every situation as quickly as possible. For example recently I've discovered pre-cooked bacon. Not that fake turkey cardboard mess that claims to be bacon, but specifically Hormel pre-cooked bacon. In literally 45 seconds I've learned I can have pretty good tasting bacon. Sometimes I don't even warm it up. After all it's pre-cooked! All the work has been done for you!!! Yes it's not 100% the same as regular bacon, but it does eliminate 99% of the clean up so I've gone from point A "I need to eat bacon" to point B "I've got bacon" in 45 seconds and only messed up one plate. That's awesome! Now apply this character trait to fast food and here's what causes conflict; instead of driving all over town, trying to remember elaborate menu combinations (no ketchup, cheese only, no lettuce) for every member of the house, I'm more inclined to jump straight to point B "tonight we are eating chip crumbs and lunch meat (just meat we are out of bread)". Obviously this goes completely against Mandy's belief that man is the hunter and gatherer....and up until today I've given her grief about this. But today is a new day! And with this new day come change! Starting today I will always go get fast food whenever my wife asks me to and I'll do it with a smile! Why? Because I love her and I respect her and she's quit washing my undershirts and I can't have Spider-Man peeking out the collar of my pollo shirt during a meeting with my CFO! 

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