Saturday, November 12, 2016

The road to recovery

Boy did I ever get sick!!! Bronchitis and a sinus infection put a hurt on me going two weeks now. While I'm doing my best to get healthy again it seems the country and in some ways the entire world is swallowing some hard medicine themselves. This was a historic week for all of us as the unthinkable happened, Donald Trump won the office of President of the United States of America by a commanding lead. 

After 500 days of constant attacks by both democrats and republicans, endless debates and scandals, candidates coming and going,  America made its choice...and immediately turned on itself. Riots disguised as protests erupted all across the country as those few that were so accustomed to having their way and living off the government handout were faced with the very real possibility that the morals and beliefs that our founding fathers fought tooth and nail for were still alive in the hearts of many and about to be enforced. 

As incredibly shocking as it sounds there now exists a generation of those that believe that nothing is taboo and if it feels good it can't be bad. Sleep with who you want, be what gender you want, smoke what you want, go to whichever bathroom you want, molest, kidnap, and murder as you please...every opinion and lifestyle is welcome and the government should pay me for living. Do whatever you want as long as you don't say I can't, I shouldn't, God doesn't like, or that's immoral. Cops are the enemy and the drug dealer is just a friend helping deal with my pain. 

This election at least as it appears to be today some 4 days out, was a moment when the hard working, faith leaning, you don't get something for nothing, always ignored American said they had had enough. It's time for this country to go back to the days when illegal meant illegal, evil was punished, and God was at the center of the family. 

In the Beck house the boys got swept up in election fever like everyone else. They talked about it at school, it was prayed about at church, Mandy and I encouraged them to be aware of what was going on around them. Not only did both kids sit next to us as Mandy & I voted, Adam begged to stay up to see the results and even agonized over the idea that his chosen candidate Donald Trump might not win. As a parent it's moments like that when you do everything you can to encourage and breathe life into that small spark of interest your children are showing in something other than Minecraft or  Pokemon. 

It's only been a week and in this new world with Donald Trump as President things are still very fresh and scary even to those that supported his every word and idea. It will be months or even years before the full impact of this election is felt. For the moment though at least from my perspective one of the first and most obvious lessons learned is that maybe it's time to just turn the noise off. CNN, Fox, the media, the celebrity trash talk...I think I've had enough. If you are a comedian, make me laugh. A singer, sing me a song. After that just shut up. Too many unimportant people believe their opinions must be heard and hold weight. I'm thinking its time we all switched off the wifi and spent time getting to know not just ourselves and family better, but more importantly God. 

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