Thanks to social media selling your unwanted things for a reduced price has become almost too easy. Long gone are the weeks spent pricing and organizing everything just so you can wake up at 5:00 to put it all on tables in your yard. Now with a quick pic and a few clicks from your phone, hundreds of people can take a peak at your inventory and offer what they think it may be worth. Recently my kids have taken a cue from their mother and realized there's value in all those toys collecting dust in their closets. Monday they came walking into the room each with a large pile of stuffed animals in tow. As I was sorting the Spidermen from the Tiggers, I came across two Care Bears. These stuffed bears with the symbols on their tummies representing an emotion have been around forever with Mandy & I still having ours put up for safe keeping to this very day (mine is Good Luck Bear). As I pulled the bears out from the sell pile, I asked how the boys could dare want to sell something so priceless and full of sentimental value. I was a bit taken back by the response I got; "Dad! We want the money more!"
As I sat and thought about how easy my children were willing to give up such a precious gift for a few dollars of fun, the more I understood it's the same thing we all do with the gift given to us that day at Calvary. Jesus gave his life so our sins may be forgiven and yet how many times do we ignore that gift in exchange for something petty like an R rated movie or a song with such filthy lyrics they can't play it on the radio? The answer is probably more often than any of us care to admit.
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