Monday, November 14, 2016

My Monday Mindset

Not much going on today other than being thankful that I'm finally feeling well for the first time in two weeks. This latest round of sinus trouble really hit me hard, robbing me of valuable time with the family. With Mandy working 4 hours a day and spending more time with the kids, I find myself feeling left out of their world a bit. I understand the importance of my job and my place in the family, but there seem to be inside jokes I'm not a part of and stories not being shared until weeks later. 

The kids are growing up too fast with Adam turning into more of a man everyday of the week. Alex promises to always be my buddy but I feel him growing beyond me more also. As for Mandy I'm constantly amazed by how much she can accomplish in one day. For example this morning before work she washed dishes, cleaned the den, folded a load of towels, and will keep up that pace until late into the night. She rarely asks for anything in return and I find myself regretting not being able to give her the world. The holidays are coming quicker than I would like and I'm going to do everything in my power to make them as easy and stress free for her as possible. 

In other news, the two girls next door moved away leaving Adam & Alex without anyone to play with in the afternoon. They won't miss them much now as the weather turns colder, but come Spring it will hit them harder as they get tired of spending all their time together and start looking for their buddies next door. New neighbors are sure to arrive soon bringing with them all sorts of anxiety issues. I'm already worrying about such minor things as if we will get along, will they keep their yard clean, will they be polite, respectful, law abiding citizens, or am I about to have to deal with a nightmare that has to constantly be guarded against. I'm pointing my energies at other places for the moment knowing all the while the second that moving van shows up, the thought of who is lurking next door will consume me. Like I've said before I'm aware of my anxiety issues and know my triggers. The first one being how much I hate change. 

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