Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Going down swinging

 My kids are sarcastic by nature and genetically designed to be able to tell a good joke. Their mother and I might as well be practicing a standup up routine each day, constantly trying out new material on each other and those around us. I’m sure we are not nearly as funny as we think we are and I know for a fact that my kids aren’t. However they have learned though that there exists a very fine line between a comment that might get you grounded for a week and one that will leave the crowd begging for more. Gotta give them both credit, nobody ever hit a pitch they didn’t swing at. I just wish they wouldn’t take so many turns at the plate. 

Alex seems to be the master of this (not that Adam doesn’t make regular attempts to leave the room on a high note). Like a dog with a shock collar, Alex seems to have this compulsion to constantly test out his boundaries regardless of how many times he ends up running the other way screaming as if being chased by an axe murderer. Most of the time he’s just comes across as a jerk (again genetics at the top of the game), yet quite often he somehow hits the bullseye and gets the standing ovation that fuels him just enough to keep him coming back for more. A month ago I was trying to get out of a promise I had made to attend an event with him. It just happened to be the same week he was grounded for lying over some stupid test grade. When he asked what I would tell the people hosting the party why we couldn’t come, I shot back that I would simply say I had to work. With out missing a beat, he pointed toward the outfield and swung for the fences, “Isn’t that the same thing I’m currently grounded for? Not telling the truth?” It was all I could do not to trip him as he ran the bases and slid into home. 

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